Archive: What We’re Watching

  • North Korea as a Complex Humanitarian Emergency

    In a presentation hosted by the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (REITI) in Tokyo, Marcus Noland, Executive Vice President and Director of Studies at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, discussed North Korea’s worsening food insecurity as a complex humanitarian crisis. He explained that, despite severe shortages, the North Korean government had continued…

  • Does a nuclear test mean North Korea is planning a nuclear attack?

    Jon Wolfsthal, Director of Global Risk at the Federation of American Scientists, offered insights into North Korea’s nuclear tests, explaining that they don’t necessarily indicate an imminent attack. Instead, these tests serve various purposes, such as provoking a response, demonstrating military capabilities, or advancing technological progress. According to Wolfsthal, North Korea—like other nations that have…

  • What does a North Korea nuclear test mean?

    A former senior director for nonproliferation at the National Security Council breaks down the different objectives North Korea can have, when it conducts a nuclear test.