Archive: What We’re Watching

  • North Korea as a Complex Humanitarian Emergency

    Marcus Nolan argues the ongoing crisis of food insecurity in North Korea must be seen as a complex humanitarian emergency. Data from July 2023 shows that food availability is at its worst since the country’s famine in the 1990s. Despite evidence of this crisis, the North Korean government has continued to invest in its military…

  • Does a nuclear test mean North Korea is planning a nuclear attack?

    The Director of Global Risk at the Federation of American Scientists, Jon Wolfsthal, explains what a nuclear test means and why North Korea would conduct one.

  • In her own words: A Hiroshima bomb survivor learns English to tell her story

    Tom Bateman and Akiko Okamoto share the story of Teruko Yahata, an 85-year old survivor of the bombing of Hiroshima. Yahata has traveled all over since 2013 to share the story of the nuclear destruction of her hometown.

  • Why does North Korea test nuclear weapons?

    The Director of the North Korea Project at the Harvard Kennedy School explains North Korea’s motivations when conducting nuclear tests.

  • What does a North Korea nuclear test mean?

    A former senior director for nonproliferation at the National Security Council breaks down the different objectives North Korea can have, when it conducts a nuclear test.