Joe DeTrani
Colleen Moore 
Esther Im

Esther Im

Former Program Officer | National Committee on North Korea

Esther S. Im is a former Program Manager at the National Committee on North Korea, where she worked on promoting greater diplomacy and engagement between the United States and North Korea. Previously, she was a Junior Fulbright Researcher in South Korea (2015-16) and a Researcher at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations, where she covered sanctions, nonproliferation, and disarmament issues during South Korea’s second term on the Security Council (2013-15). She has additional research and programmatic experience with the US-Korea Institute at SAIS, Wilson Center, and Council on Foreign Relations. Esther has a M.Sc in Foreign Service from Georgetown University (MSFS) and a B.A. in International Relations-Political Science from Wellesley College.


Can the U.S. take out North Korea’s nuclear weapons with a military strike?

Does a nuclear test mean North Korea is preparing a nuclear attack?

How many nuclear warheads does North Korea have?