Carol Saivetz
Toghzan Kassenova 
Elizabeth Wood

Elizabeth Wood

Professor of Russian and Soviet History | MIT Center for International Studies

Elizabeth A. Wood is Professor of History at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and serves as co-director of the MIT Eurasia Program. Her current work focuses on gender and performance in Putin’s Russia with particular attention recently to the war in Ukraine. Wood is the author of three books, Roots of Russia’s War in Ukraine (Woodrow Wilson Center and Columbia University Press, 2016); Performing Justice: Agitation Trials in Early Soviet Russia (Cornell University Press, 2005) and The Baba and the Comrade: Gender and Politics in Revolutionary Russia (Indiana University Press, 1997).


Does the leader’s personality matter?

Is there a nuclear dimension to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?

What are the real reasons Putin invaded Ukraine?

What does it mean to say that Putin’s motivations are a toxic cocktail?

What is Putin’s end game?

Why did Putin invade Ukraine?

Would Putin use nuclear weapons?