The North Korea Watchers

Man looking through binoculars
Fred Carriere. Man with white hair looks at camera. He has a white mustache and tortoise shell glasses and a white plaid shirt.

Fred Carriere

Syracuse, USA

Fred Carriere is the ultimate North Korea watcher and perhaps more importantly, the ultimate North Korea listener. Over the course of more than a half a century career, Fred has been a steadfast student, teacher, interpreter, and problem solver of US, DPRK, and the Republic of Korea relations.

Fred has taught at Syracuse University and for 15 years worked with the larger-than-life Donald Gregg, the former spy, ambassador, and later head of the Korea Society in New York. Prior to that, Fred spent some 20 years in South Korea with the Fulbright Commission.

He has followed his passions for educational and cultural diplomacy and for topics including moral and ethical issues in foreign policy, Christianity in Asia (especially Korea), and the emergence of Korean nationalism.

What makes Fred different is that he has served as part of a tiny community of people, who have through the decades — in good times and in bad — have kept an open line of communication with North Korea. He is part of the knitting that has helped hold things together despite years of crisis and deep suspicion. It does not hurt that he is a naturally kind and amiable fellow, or that he avers the limelight, but it takes more than that. It takes a monk’s devotion and a caretaker’s patience. For these and may other reasons, Fred Carrier is the ultimate Korea Watcher.”

Duyeon Kim

Seoul, South Korea

Duyeon Kim is Visiting Professor at Yonsei University and a fellow at the Center for a New American Security. She is also a columnist for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

Dr. Kim specializes in the two Koreas, nuclear nonproliferation, and East Asian relations. She has written for Foreign Affairs and is a frequent commentator for Reuters, the BBC, and other media.

Kim holds a Ph.D. from Korea University, an M.S. in Foreign Service from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, and a B.A. from Syracuse University.

The thing about… Duyeon is she combines a deep knowledge of the Koreas and the US with the ability to communicate with any audience.”